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Showing posts from September, 2011
Oh hi, internet. Just popped in for a quick update while I'm at home between opening and closing shifts at work (barf). Firstly, I made a lab coat for a stuffed shark for some dude on reddit a few weeks ago. Don't ask me why. It was a weird project and I tend to like those. Anyway today, I finally saw the pics he took and they are great! (I can't believe it actually fit.) (I am AWESOME.) Here is the photo montage! Next, I've been mostly working on some stuff for my friend Sara's new business . (item tags) (preliminary fun brand work) That's kind of it. I'm also working on something special and secret for a good friend's upcoming baby. But I'm not quite ready to reveal it yet. I'm also trying to do more of these tutorials as I have time. It's my goal to get completely through the list by the end of the year.

Bi-monthly update

Hello there, internet. Once again, I've neglected this blog in favor of reddit , spoonflower , hulu , and twitter . After working what seems like all the time, I don't usually have the energy to get creative with words for you. I can barely sentence! :sigh: Nonetheless, here are some short sentences which tell you what I've been up to and what I wish to be up to. That was the longest sentence in this post. Here's this: I want to make many! It looks wonderful and fragile! Here's this fabric I designed! I like Russian nesting dolls a lot and wanted to make some fabric that looks similar to my Matryoshka tattoo. I am so in love with Spoonflower and its infinite possibilities. Maybe I'll actually purchase something from them larger than a swatch sometime.. So far, I've been really happy with the quality of prints they offer, I just can't currently justify paying $18/...